Our Team

Meet John S. Brader, Chief Terrain Architect 

At Imperial Terrain, we’re privileged to have a leader who’s not only passionate about tabletop gaming but also possesses deep knowledge of engineering and design. Meet John, our Chief Terrain Architect, whose vision and expertise have been instrumental in making Imperial Terrain what it is today.

John’s lifelong fascination with creating miniature worlds began in his childhood days, where he spent countless hours building models, painting miniatures, and creating terrain. As he grew older, his passion for the tabletop evolved into a deeper interest in wargaming, gradually moving toward building professional terrain while supporting his family’s model railroad business and delivering model railroads around the country with his father.

Today, John’s love for creating immersive tabletop experiences has continued to drive his work at Imperial Terrain. With a background in 3D design and engineering and a BS, MS, and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, John brings a unique blend of technical expertise and creative vision to his role.

For John, it’s not just about creating beautiful terrain—it’s about elevating the gaming experience and transporting players to another world. He wants players to lose themselves in the worlds he creates, to tell their stories through the battles they fight, and to share their imagination with others.

Check it out: Brendan from Griffin Gaming talks to John about Imperial Terrain at AdeptiCon 2024.

Meet Jesús F. Labiano, Designer Extraordinaire

At Imperial Terrain, we are delighted to collaborate with an extraordinary talent whose passion for design and gaming has captured the imagination of countless enthusiasts. Enter Jesús F. Labiano, whose exceptional creativity and dedication to crafting immersive tabletop experiences have earned him a devoted following.

Jesús’ journey began with a profound appreciation for design, culminating in a Bachelor’s degree in Design/Interior Design. With specialized training in 3D modeling and infographic rendering, he has honed his skills to transform his visions into stunning, tangible realities.

From a young age, Jesús found joy and inspiration in scratch building historical model kits, science fiction marvels, and wargaming terrains. As a connoisseur of science fiction and fantasy, his love for these genres extends beyond tabletop gaming, encompassing books, comics, and movies.

His foray into digital design has harmoniously merged his design prowess and 3D expertise, allowing him to create terrain and models that resonate with his personal passions. By infusing his creations with his own excitement and enthusiasm, Jesús not only fulfills his own design dreams but also brings joy to countless players who savor his work.